We Believe
The Persecuted
Short Stories
Fun & Humor

Prisoner Alert

The Cross

Growing with Christ
A wonderful lesson on

Christian growth

Little Things Matter

 How do YOU
measure a Man?

What are you really


Sure Foundation


American Tract Society


Only Open If ...



Thy Will Be Done

It's very difficult at times,
to face grief with a smile.
It's hard to make ourselves believe,
all passes in a while.

And when the pain is sharpest,
words seem to no avail.
When tears fall hot and heavy,
the best intentions fail.

And yet however heavy,
the burdens that we bear,
when no one else will listen,
the Lord can always hear.

When no one else will bother,
the Lord will lend a hand.
However others scorn us,
the Lord will understand.

"Life is what you make it,"
is sometimes far from true.
But the strength to keep it going,
has got to come from you.

God promised to be with us,
and forsake us not.
He only asks we trust in Him,
whatever be our lot.

He only asks that we believe,
He always does what's best.
To do all that we can and then,
to leave Him the rest.

Each heartache we can rise above,
becomes a battle won.
When we can give ourselves to Him,
and say "Thy will be done."


 Last updated  April 09, 2016