The Dust
I picked up my dust cloth the other day
and started to clean in the usual way
Knick-knacks, pictures and TV stand,
then on the bookshelf the cloth did land.
The books were arranged in the same old way
yet, the cloth caught on one, and it started to sway.
I picked up the book and I felt really odd
so much dust had formed on the Word of God.
Was it so long since I had read this Book?
I sat down and began to take a long look.
I read over Scriptures that I'd underlined
and answers to prayers that had made me feel fine.
God was calling me nearer to Him
dusting off memories that had grown dim.
I felt ashamed of the time gone by
I took time to talk to my Lord and to cry.
So many answers were there for me,
under that dust where I couldn't see.
I thanked God for leading me to that shelf,
and helping me to feel better about myself.
In putting the books back that day,
I made sure no others got in the way.
The Word of God would stand out from the others,
and dust would no longer form on its covers.
-- Marcia Kuhaneck