We Believe
The Persecuted
Short Stories
Fun & Humor

Prisoner Alert

The Cross

Growing with Christ
A wonderful lesson on

Christian growth

Little Things Matter

 How do YOU
measure a Man?

What are you really


Sure Foundation


American Tract Society


Only Open If ...



I Asked

I asked God for strength, that I might achieve;
I was made weak, that I might learn to humbly obey.

I asked for health, that I might do greater things;
I was given infirmity, that I might do better things.

I asked for riches, that I might be happy;
I was given poverty, that I might be wise.

I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men;
I was given weakness, that I might feel the need for God.

I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life;
I was given life, that I might enjoy all things.

I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for.
I am, among all men, most richly blessed.


 Last updated  April 09, 2016