Valentines Recipes
Red-Hot Molded Hearts - Kay Curtis - Guthrie, Oklahoma |
Strawberry Heart Cake - Patricia Rutherford - Winchester Illinois |
Cherry Meringue Dessert - Kay Curtis - Guthrie, Oklahoma |
Valentine Berries and Cream - Tamera 0 ‘Sullivan - Apple Valley Minnesota |
Heart’s Delight Éclair - Lorene Milligan - Chemainus, British Columbia |
Valentine Cutouts - Annette Ellyson - Carolina, West Virginia |
I always donate one of these lightly sweet, heart-shaped tones for our
church bake sale. The congregation never gets to see it, however—the
ladies in charge quickly put it aside for one of them to buy!
- Gladys Jenik - Orland Park, Illinois
These crisp meringue cookies with a chocolate center are easy to make but look like you spent a lot of time. When our son and daughter-in-law moved into their first home on Valentine’s Day, I prepared them a nice dinner and gave them a batch of these treats. - Evelyn Lindburg - Shenandoah, Iowa |
This is a beautiful looking cake that is sure to delight!! - Unknown |
I’m pleased to share the recipe for the very best chocolate cake I have ever tasted. I prepare this treat every year on Valentine’s Day. It’s rich, delectable and absolutely irresistible. - Shelaine Duncan - North Powder Oregon |