Will of George Christian Straley

A transcription of their marriage bond states it occurred in Harrison Co., VA. John Mauck was surety for the marriage bond.
Lived on a 300 acre tract of land on Hacker's Creek, in Lewis Co., VA (now WV), and left the farm to his children by Elizabeth Bonnett, and also to his second wife Margaret, and his children by her.

His Will (Lewis County, VA [WV] Will Book B, page 52), dated 29 July 1846, names 12 children: Joseph, Samuel, Elizabeth [Waggoner], Christine [Wolf], George, Stephen, Nicholas, Jacob, Susannah, Mary [Waggoner], Hannah [Edmond], and Nancy [King]. A deed, dated one day later (DB O, page 219) and mentioned in his will names 13 children in total by wife Elizabeth Bonnett, and 4 later children by Margaret Roby. Transcriptions of both documents appear in LS's book.

There is a reference to a George Strahly in PA Colonial Records, v. 11, p. 50, that I haven't seen yet (12/2000).

TEXT: Started move to Ohio; but not all at once.
INFO: Burial Harmony Cemetery, near Jane Lew, Lewis County, West Virginia
ADDR: There is a Straley Family Bible!!!!!
Supposed 26 children were born to George by his 2 wives!
From Internet:
George Straley owned a lot of property up and down Hacker's Creek. In 1818, according to the Land Tax Books, George owned 21 acres. His acquisition of this acreage is probably in Harrison County, Joy will check this. Three tracts, owned jointly by George and his brother Joseph, were purchased by them from their parents. Christian and Christina, for the sum $800 on 13 April 1818 as recorded in Dead Book A, pages 161-163, in Lewis County. The three tracts totaled 579 acres; however, in the land tax records, they are taxed for tracts of 400 acres, 39 acres, and 171 acres for a total acreage of 600 acres. The land transfer occurred shortly before Christian's death. These three tracts, as proven by a later deed, included the Harmony Methodist Church property. The church deed was recorded in Deed Book C, page 318, in Lewis County, West Virginia. "This indenture made in the year of our Lord one thousand & twenty six Between George Straley and Joseph Straley of the county of Lewis and State of Virginia of the one part and George Cookman, Jacob Hardman, Peter Switzer and William Mitchel, Trustees Elect for the Methodists and their friends removable at pleasure of the other part, all of the county and State aforesaid Witnesseth that for and in consideration of one dollar to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted, Bargained, and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell to the noneother only they shall please to dispose of a certain tract or parcel of land on Hackers Creek in the County and State aforesaid adjoining Lands of the said Geoge & Joseph Straley running thus or North 44 degrees East 20 poles to two white oaks, North 44 west 12 poles to two Beeches, thence North 44 East 20 poles to a stake near the road, thence South 44 West twelve poles to the Beginning, including a house for public worship known by the name of the harmony meeting house with all its apurtenances from their mentioned Methodists and their heirs forever for a Bural yard and a house of public worship and none other purpose and sd George & Joseph Straley do covenant and agree with the aforementioned parties that they alien the said Tract from them and their heirs and will warrant and defend from them and their heirs and ___other powers claiming under them - In Witness whereof we the said George & Joseph Straley have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals this fourth day of April in the year of our Lord first above written."
George Straley Joseph Straley.
In 1842, according to the Land Tax records "within the Dist. of Festus Young, Commissioner of the Revenue in the County of Lewis" the "three lots of land are divided and charged to them (George and Joseph) one lot each" and each is taxed for 300 acres. George owned most of the land east of what is now I-79 and Joseph retained the land west of present I-79, which included the original Straley homeplace. This acreage appears to have been what George referred to in his will as his "old place or farm" and may well have been that land which now includes the Wilderness Plantation Complex and the Cayton property.
On 14 February 1825 George acquired twenty-four acres from Jacob Bonnett and his wife, the former Martha Hughes (Indian captive). Jacob was a brother to George's first wife, Elizabeth. According to Lewis County Deed Book C, page 145, the land was "on Hacker's Creek and it being a part of a lot of land, inherieted by Henry Bonnet one of the heirs at law to Samuel Bonnet deceased, Beginning at a beech on the east side of Hacker's Creek, on the line of Henry Bonnet and running thence N30 degrees East 102 poles to a white oak thence N37 W38 poles to a maple thense S80 degrees W100 poles to a stump on the bank of said Creek thence with the meanders of said Creek to the beginning, containing twenty four acres." Ten years later, on 1 April 1835, as the result of a suit in Superior Court against the heirs of Tobias Miller, George acquired 270 acres from the Tobias Miller heirs, namely John Miller, Sophia Miller, Jacob Miller, Mary Ann Miller, William H. Miller, Elizabeth D. Miller, and Edwin D. Miller, for the sum of $1. The land is described in Lewis County Deed Book F, page 166; and, although the deed is dated 1835, the actual deed, according to a notation in the deed book, was not delivered until 29 March 1857, long after George's death. A.K. Straley received the deed. A second deed, recorded in Lewis County Deed Book F, page 331, explains the circumstances of the original suit and grants Sarah Miller her dower rights. That deed says, "Tobias Miller in his life time did sell unto a certain Smith of the said County of Lewis a certain tract... containing 275 acres situate in the said County of Lewis on Hacker's Creek and gave to the said Smith a bond to make a deed for the Same, but died without having made said deed which bond was assigned by the said Smith to the said George Straley who instituted a suit in the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery...(which required) the heirs...to convey said tract...to George Straley and whereas also the said Sarah Miller instututed a suit...against George Straley to recover dower..." The deed concludes with George paying Sarah Miller $125 for her dower rights to the tract. This land probably included the farm now owned by J.T. Baker which was known in more recent times as the Fess Hacker farm. It is reached by walking down a dirt road near the old "Bridge Barn" which was built by John I. Allman from the lumber from the old Jane Lew covered bridge. The house, believed to have been built by George or his son-in-law William P. Hacker, still stands - abandoned and bad state of repair. This writer and her husband tried to buy it in 1990 but met with no success.
On 29 July 1846 George Straley, apparently in ill health and fearful that the children by his first wife might not carry out his wishes pertaining to forty five acres he had received from his first wife, prepared for death by writing his will which is recorded in: Will Book B, page 52, in the Lewis County Courthouse. It read: "I George Straley of Lewis County and State of Virginia do hereby make my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say 1st I desire that all the perishable part of my estate be immediately sold after my decease and out of the monies accruing therefrom all my Just debts and funeral expenses be paid. 2d I give to my children Joseph Straley, Samuel Straley, Elizabeth Waggoner, Christina Wolf, George Straley, Stephen Straley, Nicholas Straley, Jacob Straley, Susanah Straley, Mary Waggoner, Hanah Edmond & Nancy King a tract of Land on Hacker's Creek in the County of Lewis Containg three hundred acres known as my old place or farm to each an equal share to be divided among them or disposed of as they may severally think proper to them and their heirs forever. 3d After the payment of my Just debts and funeral expenses I give to my Wife Margaret Straley all the balance of my estate both real and personal for and during the time of her natural life and after her decease I give the Same to my Children herein after mentioned to be equally divided among them and to be enjoyed by them their heirs forever namely Asa Kemper Straley, Julia Ann Straley, Lucretia Straley and David Benton Straley, the above to be given to my Wife to be in Lieu of her dower interest in my estate. To my son John Straley, I have heretofore made an advance in Land which I intend to be his share of my estate and when I have heretofore sold to Nicholas Alkire a tract of land on the east side of Hacker's Creek supposed to Contain forty five acres which tract of Land decended to my first wife and in which I have an estate for life - a tenant by the courtsay and being desirous that the sale of the said Alkire shall be perfected by a conveyance of the Said land in fee simple to the said Alkire, it is my Will that the heirs of my first wife to whome the same will decend on my decease to make said conveyance to said Alkire and to insure the same I do hereby declare that the bequest to them herein before made of three hundred acres of Land shall remain suspended until the same be done and that the said tract of three hundred acres of land remain charged and subjected to the claim of the said Alire whom I stand bound to warrant the title of the said forty five acres tract until he shall be quited in his possession and title to the said forty five acres or otherwise fully indemnified in the promises. Lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my friend William Morrison my executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other Wills or testaments by me heretofore made.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 29th day of July 1846."
George Straley (seal)
The foregoing signed, sealed, publish and decared by George Straley as and for his last Will and testament in presence and hearing of us who at the request, and in his presence have subscribed our names as witnesses:
Jas. Bennett, Jonathan Hacker, George W. Swisher Lewis County Court Sept. 14, 1846.

This last will and testament of George Straley deceased was this day presented in Open Court and proven by the oaths of James Bennett and Jonathan Hacker two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be continued for further proof
And on the 15th Sept.1846 The Last Will and Testament of George Straley deceased was again presented in open court and fully proven by the Oath of George Swisher and ordered to be recorded. Teste John Morrow Clk.
It appears that George's threat of withholding the 300 acres from his heirs by his first wife worked. The very next day after writing the above will (30 July 1846), a deed granting the forty five acres to Nicholas Alkire was written, signed by George and Margaret and all George's children of the first marriage, together with their spouses. It was witnessed by Weeden Huffman and Minter Bailey, justices of the peace of Lewis County. Sometime in the next five or six weeks George died and was buried in Harmony Cemetery in a now unmarked grave. Harmony was named in a speech given by Judge J.C. McWhorter as the burial place of George; otherwise we would have no record of his burial place. George's will was first presented for probate on 14 September 1846, as stated above, and William Morrison was approved as executor on 9 October of the same year; yet, it was 25 years later, on the same day, that the final accounting was recorded in the courthouse. George's property was inventoried on 22 October 1846. He owned a pair of bays and a gray horse, five cows, twenty-five pigs and sixteen sheep. There were the usual hay stacks and farm machinery and tools, several lots of planks (lumber), a loom, spinning wheels, cupboards, kettles, delph, tin and pewter ware, blankets, bedsteads, an old chest, a table and six chairs, a writing desk and five chairs, one "old gun," a lot of eight guns, and "4 guns at the old place."
In addition, there were several notes he held for various neighbors. There were two for John Flesher (1834 and 1841), one for John Mitchell (1834), one for son-in-law Samuel Horner (1834) -?-, and one for David Crawford (1844). By the December term of court in 1846, George's "perishable" property
had been sold as George had requested. Purchasers were Nicholas Alkire, John Edmonds, David Allman, Christien F. Holswid, Jacob Echard, Joseph Michael J. Cozad, Joseph Straley, William Morrison, Jonathan Hacker, Richard Batton, William Wotron, John T. Hacker, Jonathan Hacker, Martin Post, Abram Hinzman, John "Key", Wlkana Roby, Jacob Starcher, Elijah Cozad, L.R. Brown, Stephen P. Jackson, Thos. C. Hinzman, Jacob Wymer, Edward J. Jackson, Holzen Kelly, Thomas Roby, George P. Lough, Abram Hinzman, William A. Watson, and John Starcher. Numerous items were purchased by the widow, Margaret.
In October 1848 William Morrison made an accounting to the courts of the estate. He noted that he had paid bills to the clerk's office, Margaret Mitchel, James Bennett, Stephen P. Jackson & Son, John Kee, Nicholas Alkire, James Gaston, Jeramiah Cookman, Thomas C. Hinzman, Jonathan Hacker, Richard Batton, Holzen Kelly, Henry R. Bonnett, Elcana Roby, John T. Hacker, Alexander Morrison, Margaret Standley, Hezekiah Stout, Jonathan M. Bennett, and Margaret Straley.
This was the last entry in the court records for the settlement of George's estate (not including land) until October 1875, when he gave a final accounting. The accounts balanced at the time.
From all these records this writer surmises that during George's marriage to Elizabeth Bonnett the family lived on this "old place." What did the children do with it after they inherited it? On 13 December 1847 Stephen Straley and Mary, his wife, George Straley and Ruth, his wife, James R. Wolf and Christiana Wolf (formerly Christina Straley, sold their share (one twelfth each) in the 300 acres.
[Joy, check for other deeds disposing of property.] Three hundred acres as he received as George was listed as head of household on Benjamin Barlett's tax list in Harrison Co. in 1798. William Allman and John Alkire attended George's funeral according to affadavit for Margaret's pension.

From Descendants of Christian & Christina Straley, Deed "A", page 161:
George Straly recieved from Christian and Christina Straly, George and Joseph received in purchase from Christian land along Hacker's Creek. See Christian Notes for more information.
Also: Jacob Bonnett & wife to George Straley, Deed 1825 pg. 145?: This indenture made this 14th day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Five between Jacob Bonnet and Martha his wife of the County of Lewis and State of Virginia and George Straley of the county and state aforesaid of the other part witneseth, that the said Jacob Bonnet and Martha his wife for and in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars lawful money of Virginia the receipt whereof & whereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, sold aliend, enfeoffed, released and confirmed, and by
these presents, do grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeffed release and confirm to said George Straley and his heirs and assigns forever, all that tract or parcel of land being and lying in the county of Lewis and state aforesaid, on Hacker's Creek and at being part of a lot of land received by Henry Bonnet one of the heirs at law to Samuel Bonnet deceased. Beginning at a beech on the east side of Hackers Creek, on the line of Henry Bonnet and running thence North 80 degrees east 102 poles to a white oak thence north 37 degrees west 38 poles to a maple thence south 80 degrees, west 100 poles to a stump on the bank of said creek thence with the meander of said creek to the beginning. Containing twenty four acres. To have and to hold the above described tract or parcel of land with the _____ to the said George Straley and his heirs and assigns, to the only proper use and behoof of the said Straley, his heirs and assigns forever and the said Jacob Bonnet and Martha for themselves their heirs and assigns do hereby covenant to and with the said Straley his heirs and assigns, that the ___said Jacob Bonnet and Martha his wife and above described land with the appurtenances, to said Straley his heirs and assigns shall and will in warrant and forever defend against all persons and claims whatsoever. In testimony wherof, the aforesaid Jacob and Martha his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year as written.
Witness Jacob Bonnet (seal); Martha Bonnet (seal) Lewis County Court Feb. term 1825.
This day was presented in open court, acknowledged by the within Jacob Bonnet and Martha his wife according to law and admitted to record. Test. D. Stringer C.S.

Also: George Straley Heirs to Nicholas Alkire, Deed Weston, West Virginia DBO-219;
This Indenture, made this 30th day of July 1846 between George Straley and Margaret his wife George Straley, Jr. and Ruth Sarah his wife, Jacob Straley and Catherine Ann his wife, Susannah Straley, John Edwards and Hannah his wife late Hannah Straley of the County of Lewis and State of Virginia, Elijah Waggoner and Mary his wife, late Mary Straley, Cornelius King and Nancy, his wife late Elizabet Straley of the State of Indiana, John Straley, Joseph Straley and Elizabeth his wife, Samuel Straley and Susannah his wife of the State of Ohio, of the first part, and Nicholas Alkire of Lewis County and State of Virginia of the Second part Witnessth, that the parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars to them in hand paid by the said Nicholas Alkire at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, release and confirmed and by these presents do grant, bargain sell, alien
enfeoff release and confirm unto the said Nicholas Alkire his heirs and assigns all their right, title, interest and claim in and to a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being on Hacker's Creek in Lewis County and State of Virginia being a part of a survey of four hundred acres granted originally by the Commonwealth of Virginia to Samuel Bonnett and that part, of the same which was inhereted by and set apart to Henry Bonnett and Elizabeth Straley late wife of the above named George Straley and children and heirs at Law of Samuel Bonnett the above named patentee, bounded on the West by Hackers Creek, South by lands of Samuel Bonnett East by lands of David Smiths and North by lands purchased of Rachel Cotterel by the said Alkire and supposed to contain forty five acres of Land be the same more or less, together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land, with its appurtenances, and all the right title interest and Claim of the parties of the first part in and to the same to him said Nicholas Alkire his heirs and assigns forever to and for the only proper use benefeit and behoof of him the said Nicholas Alkire his heirs and assigns forever and the parites of the first part their heirs executors and administrators do covenant to and with the said Nicholas Alkire, his heirs and assigns that they the said parties of the first part their heirs executors and administrators, all their right title interest and claim in and to the above described tract or parcel of land === shall and with warrant and forever defend against themselves their heirs, executors and administrators and against the claims of all other persons whomsoever claiming the same be through or under their or either of them in any manner whatsoever. In testimony whereof the parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year aforesaid.
James R. Wolf; Christena Wolf; Joseph Straley; Samuel Straley; Paul Waggoner (Seal); George Straley (Seal); Margaret Straley (Seal); George Straley, Jr. (Seal); Ruth X. Straley (Seal); Stephen Straley (Seal); Mary X Straley (Seal); Nicholas Straley (Seal); Sarah X Straley (Seal); Jacob Straley (Seal); Catherine Ann X Straley (Seal); John Straley (Seal); John Edwards (Seal); Hannah X Edwards (Seal); Elijah Waggoner (Seal); Mary X Waggoner (Seal); Cornelius King (Seal); Nancy X King (Seal); Susannah X Straley (Seal).
Lewis County as: Weeden Huffman and Minster Bailey Justices of the peace in and for the county aforesaid & state of Virginia do hereby certify John Straley party to a Certain Deed bearing on the 30th of July 1846 and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in our county foresaid and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed, and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the clerk of the county court of Lewis County in Order that the said may be recorded. G iven under our hands and seals this 31st day of August 1846.
Weeden Huffman (Seal); Minter Bailey (Seal).
This deed was this day presented in said office and acknowledged by Joseph Straley, Samuel Straley, and Paul Waggoner & on the 9 Oct. 1848 was admitted to record together with the several certificates thereto annexed.
Teste: John Morrow, clerk.
Deed Book 0, page 219.

MARRIAGE: PLAC or March 23; Hampshire or Harrison County, Virginia
DIV: DATE 19 Dec 1824
DIV: PLAC Weston, Lewis County, Virginia (West Virginia)
DATE 28 Mar 1796
PLAC Harrison County, Virginia
MARRIAGE: From Descendants of Christian and Christina Straley; Marriage Bond Book No. 1; Page 224; Know all men by their presents that we George Strayley & John Mauck - - - of the County of Harrison and State of Virginia are held and firmly Bound to Robert Brooke Govenor & his superors in the first & full Sum of One Hundred fifty Dollars to which payment well and truly to be made and - - - all bind our selves our Heirs Executors and Administrator firmly by these present winefs Our hands & seal this 28th Day of March in 1796 and 20th year of the Commonth - - -. The Consition of the above obligation is such that would there be no lawful cause to obstruct said George Strayleys marriage with Elizabeth Bonnett of said County then the above obligation to be paid otherwise to remain in full force and - - - -.
Signed sealed & delivered in presence of Ray Wilson - - - George Straley (seal); John Mauck
DATE Nov 1828
PLAC Lewis County, Virginia
REFN: pg. 189

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