In the name of God Amen - I James Dobbins of the state of South Carolina District of Pendleton, being somewhat indisposed in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto god - Calling to mind the Mortality of my body knowing it is appointed for all men once to die I do make and appoint or ordain this my Last Will and Testement. First I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it me and my body to the earth to be intered deacently at the discresion of my Executors to be hereafter named - as touching my workdly estate I divise and dispose of the name in the folloering manner Viz First of all after my funeral expenses are paid, I order all my just debts to be paid - I will and bequieth unto my dear and beloved wife Elizabeth Dobbins the land where on I now live with all my other lands and all my peraonal estate I now possess during her natural life or widowhood - then at her decease or marriage - I will and bequeath unto my dear beloved son James Dobbins Junr this plantation I now live on to him his heirs and assigns forever - and the Brock horse and sadle bridle and two cows and caves two ewes and lambs and one breeding sow and two grown hogs and a good bed and furniture and ax hoe and matock one plow and geers - then the ballance of my land that lies joing Win Honnory and John Dobbins with all my other property not mentioned above - to be put to public sail - and the money arising therfrom with the money in hand or notes if not collected before the death or marriage of my wife Elixzabeth Dobbins - I will that it be equally divided in seven shares and I will and ordain - that one full share be given to my beloved son Robert B Dobbins - and also one full share to given to my beloved son John Dobbins - also one full share be given my beloved daughter, Mary Morris also one full share to be given to my beloved daughter Elizabeth Hillhouse also one full share to give to my beloved daughter Jean Liddle also one full share to be given to beloved son James Dobbins Jun - Last of all I constiture ordain and appoint my son James Dobbins Junr and my wife Elizabeth - as my lawfull and sole Executor and Executrix to this last will and testament Revoking and disaffarming all and every will by me made here to fore I do ratify and confirm this my Last will and testament Witnes my hadn and seal this the 11 day of March anno Dimiuni one thousand eight hundred thirteen JAMES DOBBINS (SEAL)
In the presence of us.
John Bryce
Abraham Barren
William Hillhouse
Recorded in Will Book A page 215
Recorder July 29 (26) 1817
Proved July 29 (or 26) 1817
John Harris, OPD
Some said wife Elizabeth Spenser appears Sarah who married Calahan omitted from will.
James was a Revolutionary Soldier a Major. He was in Va when John and Robert were born and in Pendleton dist 1813-1817 and in Old 96 Abbeyville, SC
1850 Census Fulton Co Ill show Robert Dobbins as 76 b Va
Dobbins Bible in possession of Mary E. Ross of New Philadelphia, _____, IL.
Leaonardo Andrea of Columbia, _____, SC names Janet Seawright Johnson as wife of John Dobbins found court frec of estate of parents of Mrs. Margaret Sewright Miller Johnson, Hugh Dobbins Lisonbee names John Dobbins wife as Elizabeth there could have been a second wife
1790 census taken before last son was born
James Dobbins signed old Greenville Church Petition in 1787 near Donalds, SC
Jacob Hoilman in his will (Fredrick Va gives his daughter Elizabeth Dobbin the land on which she now lives 1783 (See Chaebley Vol 2pp 152
Col Jess W Norres was Adminstrator of estate and received receipt form George Liddell in 1840. There is menti9n of Robert B Dobbins being in Fulton co Ill there is mention of Sarah Callahan being in DEKalb Co Ala/ in 1838. ther e is mention of Elizabeth Hillhouse in giles Co Tenn in 1840. James Dobbins received a pension form the state of SC for Rev. Service signature on Greenville Petition and Pension same.
Sarah Dobbins Callahans daughter of Mary Ann married Mr Coker Lisonbee in St Clair County, AL.