Our Time Together

The time we spend together
Means more to me than you could know
It gives me back part of my childhood
That I missed out on years ago

I love to have fun and play
I feel young and childlike again
And when we share them together
I don't want the our time to ever end

I cherish our time together
For me they are too few
I can do whatever I want
As long as I'm sharing them with you

Like working on my homepages
Or on the computer doing our rhymes
Or sending notes to one another
Those are very special times

Going out shopping together
Holding my hand as we walk down the street
Asking me if I need anything
Or just simply massaging my feet

It can be just sitting and reading
Sharing an article that we have read
Or sitting and talking late at night
When we should go to sleep instead

The possibilities are endless
You give me something to look forward to
I hope you know what you mean to me
And the depth of my love for you

Cheryl Dobbins 1999     

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Cheryl's Poetry
Copyright © 1999-2000 by Cheryl Dobbins