
Sometimes I get so lonely
And I need to talk to you
But I know that work comes first
So I have to find things to do

I try to make myself busy
So I don't think of you all day
But no matter what I get into
With you is where my thoughts stay

I wish I could get past it
It is much easier for you
You have jobs lined up and things happen
And you have much work to do

I do get upset when I'm lonely
I try and still I can't find
Things to keep me busy
So you won't be on my mind

So if you don't understand
And don't see why I get upset
Maybe it's that you don't understand
Because you haven't been through it yet

You sit at home and try to keep busy
So you don't think of me all day
And I'll bet you will find yourself thinking
And I can guess where your thoughts will stray

Cheryl Dobbins 1999     

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Cheryl's Poetry
Copyright © 1999-2000 by Cheryl Dobbins