Why can't I just be happy
What is wrong with me
Why can't I be content
And enjoy my family
So many things have changed
Some good and some bad
So why can't I be happy
Instead of always feeling sad
There's many things that trouble me
And I feel like I'm falling apart
I just want the pain to go away
That is deep within my heart
I didn't ask for this pain
It hurts and I want to forget
I'm too tired to fight it alone
But it's not done with me yet
What have I done to deserve
All the pain that I carry in me
Why can't it all just go away
And let me live peacefully
When will the pain end
When will I finally rest
I can't answer the question
All I can say is I will do my best
When I place my heart in your hand
I am asking you to be there
To show me that you love me
And that you really do care
If you can do that for me
I know there's nothing I can't do
To help me work through my problems
That's all I'm asking of you
Cheryl Dobbins 1999
Cheryl's Poetry
Copyright © 1999-2000 by Cheryl Dobbins