The times we share together
Are very special to me,
I never had a good home life
Not even a real family.
The days and years have drifted by
The days I long for are gone,
I can never go back to my childhood
But I can learn from it and move on.
I have found love and happiness
And I know that the bonds are strong,
With you, the kids and God by my side
I know that nothing can go wrong.
I'll need all your love and support
To help me through my darkest days,
Only then will my tattered heart mend
And I will give God and my family the praise.
They say time heals all wounds
I believe that much is true,
For I feel blessed to have you in my life
And I thank God for giving me.... You!
Cheryl Dobbins 1999
Cheryl's Poetry
Copyright © 1999-2000 by Cheryl Dobbins