The Box

My life is like a cardboard box
Four walls and deep within
And when I feel hurt or rejected
I want to close the lid and never come out again

I try to open up the lid
And let people see inside
But it's easier to close it
So no one can see what I hide

I fear people will reject me
For me friendships never last
I want to believe that people care
But they have proved me wrong in the past

I try not to judge other people
How could they begin to know
That my heart has been broken
From my childhood long ago

I guess they'll never know
What a good friend I could be
They either don't care or don't have the time
To get to know the real me

I have a friend that loves me
He is always there by my side
And when I feel down or lonely
I open the lid and invite him inside

He is never uncaring or busy
He makes special time you see
My life is a little less empty
And he accepts me for me

Cheryl Dobbins 1999     

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Cheryl's Poetry
Copyright © 1999-2000 by Cheryl Dobbins