I'm afraid to let you love me
I've been hurt enough in the past
How can I let go of my feelings
And trust that this time it will last
There is something about you
That I have tried to ignore
Could it be you really love me
That keeps me coming back for more
When I look into your eyes
I can see a longing there
Maybe I am being foolish
But I think you really care
Should I take a chance and trust you
And give us both a brand new start
Should I believe you when you tell me
That what you say is from the heart
If I don't let you show me
Just how much you really care
Then I will have lost my chance
On a love that is so rare
I guess I will never know
If I keep shutting every door
That's why I have to take a chance
And keep coming back for more
Cheryl Dobbins 1999
Cheryl's Poetry
Copyright © 1999-2000 by Cheryl Dobbins