July 8, 1993
PRESENTATION - Post humous citation to WV State Trooper Larry G. hacker
CALL TO ATTENTION - Commander Ed Wilcox, MOPH
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE - Commander Ed Wilcox
INVOCATION - Chaplain Rev. Richard Burnside
RECOGNITION OF GUESTS - Chaplain Rev. Richard Burnside
PRESENTATION - Commander Ed Wilcox
TAPS - Harry Woolwine
BENEDICTION - Chaplain Rev. Richard Burnside
CLOSING REMARKS - Commander Edward Wilcox
The road to glory in a patriot army and a free country is thus open to all.
George Washington
Membership in the Military Order of the Purple Heart is limited by public law to ". . .persons who have received the Purple Heart during combat...".
There is a proud history to an award which was created for "gallantry but also of extraordinary fidelity and essential service." The order to establish the first Purple Heart was issued by General George Washington during the Revo1utionary war. The official papers, signed by Washington, were saved from burning during the War of 1812. The famous award was revived in 1932 by President Hoover arid General Douglas
MacArthur. Today, as in the past, the single bond that unites members of The Order is that which has sustained a wound, inflicted by an enemy, in combat. There is no exclusion by war, or by branch of service, the members' common bond is that they have given of their own blood. The Order exists to serve, not only combat wounded, but a1l veterans and their dependents.
The Only Congressionally Chartered veterans
Organization Exclusively For Combat Wounded
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