. Accused Cop-Killer Buried With War Heroes |
Dennis Ferguson won the bronze star for heroism in World War II. But on April 9, 1993, Ferguson was arrested for the murder of WV Trooper Larry Hacker when he responded to a disturbance call. Ferguson, held in the Ritchie County prison since his arrest, recently committed suicide in his cell. The Hacker Family was shocked to find Ferguson's remains were inurned in Arlington National Cemetery. COPS has written letters to government officials in behalf of the Hacker Family. John C. Metzler, Jr. Superintendent of Arlington National Cemetery wrote, "Mr. Ferguson was entitled to interment in Arlington National Cemetery based on his military service as indicated in your letter. The fact that he was charged or committed any crime subsequent to his military service has no bearing on his eligibility for veterans benefits. That is the way that the regulations are currently written and this pertains to burial as well as other veterans benefits. Mr. Ferguson is not the first individual to be interred at Arlington National Cemetery who has been accused of a crime or in some instances convicted of a felony." This is not a mute issue for COPS and we plan to
request that any veteran accused of a felony should not be buried in
national cemeteries. |